There are very many different triggers for dizziness. Problems with the vestibular organ in the inner ear or the vestibular center in the brain, or inconsistent or inadequate blood flow to the brain, are often the origin.
Acute attacks of vertigo often conceal neurological disorders. Chronic dizziness, on the other hand, is usually due to psychological triggers.
Basically: Dizziness is not a disease, but itself a symptom that can occur in various diseases. If our balance is disturbed, we find it difficult to walk and stand, the ground “wobbles”, “everything spins” or we have “the feeling that we are about to fall over”. If the twisting and swaying does not stop at all, the dizziness has become chronic.
A distinction is made between four symptomatic types of vertigo:
Find and treat possible causes of your dizziness. Exclude potentially dangerous diseases.
Comprehensive investigation. ECG. Blood analysis.
30 minutes
Appear sober and empty-stomached for the blood draw (take permanent medication!)
Referral to specialist colleagues, if necessary. Prescription, if necessary. Follow-up appointment.
Health insurance benefit, otherwise the current official regulation of charges for physicians (GOÄ) applies.
Ärztehaus Nymphenburg | 2nd floor
Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 1
80639 Munich
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 08:00 – 18:00
Wed: 07:30-13:00
Fri: 07:30-13:00
089 / 856 395 82
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