We are always here for you at our locations in Munich. Schedule a consultation for your individual infusion therapy online right now.
A balanced vitamin level plays a key role in personal well-being.
Blood analysis / feeding of nutritional supplements
1 hour
Appear sober and empty-stomached for blood draw.
Consultation appointment, then make appointments for infusions if necessary.
As needed. Blood analysis incl. Consultation from 120€. Infusion costs vary and will be outlined to you during your consultation.
Ärztehaus Nymphenburg | 2nd floor
Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 1
80639 Munich
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 08:00 – 18:00
Wed: 07:30-13:00
Fri: 07:30-13:00
089 / 856 395 82
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