Your doctor, just a click away
Gesundakte for iOS (coming soon for Android) is the perfect patient app for secure, digital communication and easy sharing of data with your doctor's office.
To use the app, no personal data such as name, address, phone number, etc. is required. You can use an anonymous profile to connect with a doctor's office. Simply approach the medical staff about the Healthy Record app. The initial connection with the doctor's office is uncomplicated by scanning a QR code that you receive in the practice.
Besides normal text messages, you can also exchange images and other documents with a connected doctor's office. To do this, import your medical documents from your iPhone or from a cloud service into the app. You can easily save documents received from your doctor in the app and send them to other doctors.
You don't have to worry about the security of your communication, because text messages and documents are exchanged using a public-key encryption method. During the initial connection with a doctor's office, the public keys of both communication partners are exchanged. With the public key, the messages including sender information are made unreadable for third parties. Only the recipient can read the message with his private key. The private key is only secured in the iOS keychain and is not transmitted to third parties at any time.
Your health data and documents are also not stored on a central server, but only locally on your device.