Due to the high stress on the lungs, ears and cardiovascular system, a diving medical examination is a basic requirement for training and obtaining the international recreational diving license. At our locations in Munich, you will receive your certificate according to the specifications of the German Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (GTÜM), which is recognized by all international diving associations, upon completion of the diving fitness examination.
A thorough medical history and interview by the diving physician is followed by an ENT examination and a thorough cardiovascular and pulmonary check-up. The lung check-up also includes a lung function test (spirometry). A full body examination and ECG are also part of every diving fitness examination.
We are always here for you at our locations in Munich. Make an appointment for a diving fitness examination online right now.
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Mehr erfahren
Determine and officially certify physical fitness for diving according to international standards
Physical examination, ECG, pulmonary function test (spirometry). From 40: Exercise ECG (ergometry)
20 – 40 minutes
Wear comfortable clothes. The upper body, upper arms, lower legs and feet should be easily accessible for the examinations. From 40: Spare clothes if necessary after stress ECG and a towel (you will start sweating!)
Annual diving check-up recommended
until 39: €75. From 40: 100€.
Ärztehaus Nymphenburg | 2nd floor
Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 1
80639 Munich
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 08:00 – 18:00
Wed: 07:30-13:00
Fri: 07:30-13:00
089 / 856 395 82
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