Especially when traveling to tropical areas, a follow-up examination makes sense, and is even absolutely necessary if symptoms exist! As a general rule, travel to areas at risk for certain diseases always carries a health risk – this can be addressed with travel screening.
Immediately after the trip
If acute complaints occur after the trip, an immediate examination by a tropical doctor or a tropical institute is absolutely necessary! For this purpose, it is also important for us to know which destination(s) you have visited in order to make a faster and more accurate diagnosis. In cases of diarrhea, it is also a good idea to bring a fresh stool sample.
Should you have shown symptoms of illness during the trip, but these have subsided in the meantime, a follow-up examination is still advisable in order to rule out any possible late effects.
After 4 weeks
If no complaints exist or have existed, an examination after 4 weeks may still be useful to rule out any infectious diseases with longer incubation periods. This examination is not mandatory. Nevertheless, we are here for you at any time upon request. Also in case of professional stays abroad of min. 1 year, a follow-up examination is advisable.
After several months to a year
If health complaints occur during this period, you should urgently point them out to us in the examination, as many diseases do not appear until months later. Especially in case of fever, you should always think about malaria after a stay in a tropical area.
Routine checkups every 1-3 years
In the case of frequent stays in tropical regions (several times a year) or stays abroad for several years, regular examinations are advisable every 12-36 months, depending on the individual case.
Back home healthy – make your appointment now directly online for our returning traveler examination for a good feeling even after your vacation.
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Mehr erfahren
To diagnose and treat travel illnesses early.
Medical history. Consultation. Examination. Blood analysis.
30 minutes
In case of treatment abroad, we need your treatment documents in English or German, if possible.
Follow-Up appointments
In the event of illness, the patient is covered by the health insurance or according to the current official regulation of charges for physicians (GOÄ).
Ärztehaus Nymphenburg | 2nd floor
Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 1
80639 Munich
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 08:00 – 18:00
Wed: 07:30-13:00
Fri: 07:30-13:00
089 / 856 395 82
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